
archives-Pension board

The Retirement System for the General Employees of the Utility Board of the City of Key West, Florida (Pension Board) holds their regular meetings quarterly, unless otherwise noticed and/or postponed. The agenda is set on the Thursday before the meeting. If you wish to address the Pension Board with your topic on the agenda, please make such requests by the Wednesday prior to the regularly scheduled Pension Board meeting. If you wish to have an item on the agenda that requires the distribution of material and/or action by the Pension Board, please submit your request eight working days in advance of the regularly scheduled Pension Board meeting to the Pension Plan Administrator Jack Wetzler at (305) 942-6590 or blasandjack@comcast.net.

Keys Energy Services is committed to providing a website that is accessible to the widest possible audience, regardless of technology or ability. If you require any functionality or specific accommodation which you find is not immediately provided for on the website, please contact us so that we may promptly address your individual needs.